8 Onboarding survey questions for new hires

8 Onboarding survey questions for new hires


2 min read

Great onboarding gets new hires working well and wanting to stay — over 70% more likely!

But many companies mess this up. Some new hires even quit before starting because of a bad experience.

Instead of feeling good, new hires feel lost and confused. They have lots of questions.

This is a problem because:

  • They can’t work well yet — almost half who miss goals didn’t get proper training.

  • They don’t feel like the company cares, so they may leave (1 in 3 quits within 6 months!).

Unanswered questions are bad for everyone. We want happy, productive new hires who become part of the company!

So, let’s answer onboarding survey questions for new hires!

Onboarding Questions:

Here are some key onboarding questions to cover to ensure a smooth transition for your new hires:

Topic 1: First Day

  • New hires can be nervous, so answer basic questions about their first day, like when to arrive, where to go, and what to bring.

  • This helps them relax and focus on doing their best.

Topic 2: How Things Work

  • New hires need to know practical things like pay, benefits, and how to use the office equipment.

  • An employee handbook can be helpful, but make sure it’s up-to-date.

Topic 3: The Bigger Picture

  • Help new hires understand the company’s goals and how their job fits in.

  • This makes them feel like their work matters.

Topic 4: Expectations

  • New hires want to know what’s expected of them so they can succeed.

  • Tell them about training, goals, and how performance is measured.

Topic 5: Who to Talk To

  • New hires need to know who to ask questions, report problems, or share ideas.

  • Offer resources like mentors, hotlines, and suggestion boxes.

Topic 6: Making Friends

  • Many new hires want to make friends at work.

  • Help them integrate by introducing them to the team and planning social activities.

Topic 7: Company Culture

  • New hires wonder about things like dress code, work hours, and social norms.

  • Give them a sense of what the company culture is like beforehand.

Topic 8: Career Growth

  • New hires are interested in learning and growing in their careers.

  • Explain promotion opportunities, training programs, and future career paths.

Bonus Tip: Keep Supporting New Hires

  • Onboarding shouldn’t stop after a few weeks. Regularly check in with new hires to see how they’re doing and offer additional support.

By covering these topics, you can create a smooth onboarding process that helps new hires feel welcome, informed, and excited to succeed in their new role.